An unlimited, all-in-one coaching service for the workplace
Service Description
We offer an unlimited, all-in-one coaching service to include as part of workplace wellbeing package. Think of it as Spill, for coaching! A company benefit that adds true long-term value to your employees. A coaching culture has developed in many UK companies, and more and more people understand the benefits Corporate and Executive coaching can bring to both the personal and professional environment. Your employees can learn how to: Develop a coaching culture Leading through organisational change Resolve conflicts Strengthen individual and collective goals, organisational values and team beliefs Facilitate the development of high performing teams Practice stakeholder management
Cancellation Policy
Initial 14 day cooling-off period If you notify us of your request to cancel your enrolment within 14 days of the date we confirm your booking, we will refund any fees paid. Cancellation outside of the cooling-off period If you notify us of your request to cancel your enrolment after the 14 day cooling-off period, 50% of your course fee is payable due to late cancellation, and we will only refund any fees paid above this amount.
Contact Details
London, UK